============================= What's New in Pyparsing 3.0.0 ============================= :author: Paul McGuire :date: May, 2022 :abstract: This document summarizes the changes made in the 3.0.0 release of pyparsing. (Updated to reflect changes up to 3.0.10) .. sectnum:: :depth: 4 .. contents:: :depth: 4 New Features ============ PEP-8 naming ------------ This release of pyparsing will (finally!) include PEP-8 compatible names and arguments. Backward-compatibility is maintained by defining synonyms using the old camelCase names pointing to the new snake_case names. This code written using non-PEP8 names:: wd = pp.Word(pp.printables, excludeChars="$") wd_list = pp.delimitedList(wd, delim="$") print(wd_list.parseString("dkls$134lkjk$lsd$$").asList()) can now be written as:: wd = pp.Word(pp.printables, exclude_chars="$") wd_list = pp.delimited_list(wd, delim="$") print(wd_list.parse_string("dkls$134lkjk$lsd$$").as_list()) Pyparsing 3.0 will run both versions of this example. New code should be written using the PEP-8 compatible names. The compatibility synonyms will be removed in a future version of pyparsing. Railroad diagramming -------------------- An excellent new enhancement is the new railroad diagram generator for documenting pyparsing parsers.:: import pyparsing as pp # define a simple grammar for parsing street addresses such # as "123 Main Street" # number word... number = pp.Word(pp.nums).set_name("number") name = pp.Word(pp.alphas).set_name("word")[1, ...] parser = number("house_number") + name("street") parser.set_name("street address") # construct railroad track diagram for this parser and # save as HTML parser.create_diagram('parser_rr_diag.html') ``create_diagram`` accepts these named arguments: - ``vertical`` (int) - threshold for formatting multiple alternatives vertically instead of horizontally (default=3) - ``show_results_names`` - bool flag whether diagram should show annotations for defined results names - ``show_groups`` - bool flag whether groups should be highlighted with an unlabeled surrounding box - ``embed`` - bool flag whether generated HTML should omit ````, ````, and ```` tags to embed the resulting HTML in an enclosing HTML source (new in 3.0.10) - ``head`` - str containing additional HTML to insert into the ```` section of the generated code; can be used to insert custom CSS styling - ``body`` - str containing additional HTML to insert at the beginning of the ```` section of the generated code To use this new feature, install the supporting diagramming packages using:: pip install pyparsing[diagrams] See more in the examples directory: ``make_diagram.py`` and ``railroad_diagram_demo.py``. (Railroad diagram enhancement contributed by Michael Milton) Support for left-recursive parsers ---------------------------------- Another significant enhancement in 3.0 is support for left-recursive (LR) parsers. Previously, given a left-recursive parser, pyparsing would recurse repeatedly until hitting the Python recursion limit. Following the methods of the Python PEG parser, pyparsing uses a variation of packrat parsing to detect and handle left-recursion during parsing.:: import pyparsing as pp pp.ParserElement.enable_left_recursion() # a common left-recursion definition # define a list of items as 'list + item | item' # BNF: # item_list := item_list item | item # item := word of alphas item_list = pp.Forward() item = pp.Word(pp.alphas) item_list <<= item_list + item | item item_list.run_tests("""\ To parse or not to parse that is the question """) Prints:: ['To', 'parse', 'or', 'not', 'to', 'parse', 'that', 'is', 'the', 'question'] See more examples in ``left_recursion.py`` in the pyparsing examples directory. (LR parsing support contributed by Max Fischer) Packrat/memoization enable and disable methods ---------------------------------------------- As part of the implementation of left-recursion support, new methods have been added to enable and disable packrat parsing. ====================== ======================================================= Name Description ---------------------- ------------------------------------------------------- enable_packrat Enable packrat parsing (with specified cache size) enable_left_recursion Enable left-recursion cache disable_memoization Disable all internal parsing caches ====================== ======================================================= Type annotations on all public methods -------------------------------------- Python 3.6 and upward compatible type annotations have been added to most of the public methods in pyparsing. This should facilitate developing pyparsing-based applications using IDEs for development-time type checking. New string constants ``identchars`` and ``identbodychars`` to help in defining identifier Word expressions ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Two new module-level strings have been added to help when defining identifiers, ``identchars`` and ``identbodychars``. Instead of writing:: import pyparsing as pp identifier = pp.Word(pp.alphas + "_", pp.alphanums + "_") you will be able to write:: identifier = pp.Word(pp.identchars, pp.identbodychars) Those constants have also been added to all the Unicode string classes:: import pyparsing as pp ppu = pp.pyparsing_unicode cjk_identifier = pp.Word(ppu.CJK.identchars, ppu.CJK.identbodychars) greek_identifier = pp.Word(ppu.Greek.identchars, ppu.Greek.identbodychars) Refactored/added diagnostic flags --------------------------------- Expanded ``__diag__`` and ``__compat__`` to actual classes instead of just namespaces, to add some helpful behavior: - ``pyparsing.enable_diag()`` and ``pyparsing.disable_diag()`` methods to give extra help when setting or clearing flags (detects invalid flag names, detects when trying to set a ``__compat__`` flag that is no longer settable). Use these methods now to set or clear flags, instead of directly setting to ``True`` or ``False``:: import pyparsing as pp pp.enable_diag(pp.Diagnostics.warn_multiple_tokens_in_named_alternation) - ``pyparsing.enable_all_warnings()`` is another helper that sets all "warn*" diagnostics to ``True``:: pp.enable_all_warnings() - added support for calling ``enable_all_warnings()`` if warnings are enabled using the Python ``-W`` switch, or setting a non-empty value to the environment variable ``PYPARSINGENABLEALLWARNINGS``. (If using ``-Wd`` for testing, but wishing to disable pyparsing warnings, add ``-Wi:::pyparsing``.) - added new warning, ``warn_on_match_first_with_lshift_operator`` to warn when using ``'<<'`` with a ``'|'`` ``MatchFirst`` operator, which will create an unintended expression due to precedence of operations. Example: This statement will erroneously define the ``fwd`` expression as just ``expr_a``, even though ``expr_a | expr_b`` was intended, since ``'<<'`` operator has precedence over ``'|'``:: fwd << expr_a | expr_b To correct this, use the ``'<<='`` operator (preferred) or parentheses to override operator precedence:: fwd <<= expr_a | expr_b or:: fwd << (expr_a | expr_b) - ``warn_on_parse_using_empty_Forward`` - warns that a ``Forward`` has been included in a grammar, but no expression was attached to it using ``'<<='`` or ``'<<'`` - ``warn_on_assignment_to_Forward`` - warns that a ``Forward`` has been created, but was probably later overwritten by erroneously using ``'='`` instead of ``'<<='`` (this is a common mistake when using Forwards) (**currently not working on PyPy**) Support for yielding native Python ``list`` and ``dict`` types in place of ``ParseResults`` ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To support parsers that are intended to generate native Python collection types such as lists and dicts, the ``Group`` and ``Dict`` classes now accept an additional boolean keyword argument ``aslist`` and ``asdict`` respectively. See the ``jsonParser.py`` example in the ``pyparsing/examples`` source directory for how to return types as ``ParseResults`` and as Python collection types, and the distinctions in working with the different types. In addition parse actions that must return a value of list type (which would normally be converted internally to a ``ParseResults``) can override this default behavior by returning their list wrapped in the new ``ParseResults.List`` class:: # this parse action tries to return a list, but pyparsing # will convert to a ParseResults def return_as_list_but_still_get_parse_results(tokens): return tokens.asList() # this parse action returns the tokens as a list, and pyparsing will # maintain its list type in the final parsing results def return_as_list(tokens): return ParseResults.List(tokens.asList()) This is the mechanism used internally by the ``Group`` class when defined using ``aslist=True``. New Located class to replace ``locatedExpr`` helper method ---------------------------------------------------------- The new ``Located`` class will replace the current ``locatedExpr`` method for marking parsed results with the start and end locations of the parsed data in the input string. ``locatedExpr`` had several bugs, and returned its results in a hard-to-use format (location data and results names were mixed in with the located expression's parsed results, and wrapped in an unnecessary extra nesting level). For this code:: wd = Word(alphas) for match in locatedExpr(wd).search_string("ljsdf123lksdjjf123lkkjj1222"): print(match) the docs for ``locatedExpr`` show this output:: [[0, 'ljsdf', 5]] [[8, 'lksdjjf', 15]] [[18, 'lkkjj', 23]] The parsed values and the start and end locations are merged into a single nested ``ParseResults`` (and any results names in the parsed values are also merged in with the start and end location names). Using ``Located``, the output is:: [0, ['ljsdf'], 5] [8, ['lksdjjf'], 15] [18, ['lkkjj'], 23] With ``Located``, the parsed expression values and results names are kept separate in the second parsed value, and there is no extra grouping level on the whole result. The existing ``locatedExpr`` is retained for backward-compatibility, but will be deprecated in a future release. New ``AtLineStart`` and ``AtStringStart`` classes ------------------------------------------------- As part of fixing some matching behavior in ``LineStart`` and ``StringStart``, two new classes have been added: ``AtLineStart`` and ``AtStringStart``. ``LineStart`` and ``StringStart`` can be treated as separate elements, including whitespace skipping. ``AtLineStart`` and ``AtStringStart`` enforce that an expression starts exactly at column 1, with no leading whitespace.:: (LineStart() + Word(alphas)).parseString("ABC") # passes (LineStart() + Word(alphas)).parseString(" ABC") # passes AtLineStart(Word(alphas)).parseString(" ABC") # fails [This is a fix to behavior that was added in 3.0.0, but was actually a regression from 2.4.x.] New ``IndentedBlock`` class to replace ``indentedBlock`` helper method ---------------------------------------------------------------------- The new ``IndentedBlock`` class will replace the current ``indentedBlock`` method for defining indented blocks of text, similar to Python source code. Using ``IndentedBlock``, the expression instance itself keeps track of the indent stack, so a separate external ``indentStack`` variable is no longer required. Here is a simple example of an expression containing an alphabetic key, followed by an indented list of integers:: integer = pp.Word(pp.nums) group = pp.Group(pp.Char(pp.alphas) + pp.IndentedBlock(integer)) parses:: A 100 101 B 200 201 as:: [['A', [100, 101]], ['B', [200, 201]]] By default, the results returned from the ``IndentedBlock`` are grouped. ``IndentedBlock`` may also be used to define a recursive indented block (containing nested indented blocks). The existing ``indentedBlock`` is retained for backward-compatibility, but will be deprecated in a future release. Shortened tracebacks -------------------- Cleaned up default tracebacks when getting a ``ParseException`` when calling ``parse_string``. Exception traces should now stop at the call in ``parse_string``, and not include the internal pyparsing traceback frames. (If the full traceback is desired, then set ``ParserElement.verbose_traceback`` to ``True``.) Improved debug logging ---------------------- Debug logging has been improved by: - Including ``try/match/fail`` logging when getting results from the packrat cache (previously cache hits did not show debug logging). Values returned from the packrat cache are marked with an '*'. - Improved fail logging, showing the failed expression, text line, and marker where the failure occurred. - Adding ``with_line_numbers`` to ``pyparsing_testing``. Use ``with_line_numbers`` to visualize the data being parsed, with line and column numbers corresponding to the values output when enabling ``set_debug()`` on an expression:: data = """\ A 100""" expr = pp.Word(pp.alphanums).set_name("word").set_debug() print(ppt.with_line_numbers(data)) expr[...].parseString(data) prints:: . 1 1234567890 1: A 2: 100 Match word at loc 3(1,4) A ^ Matched word -> ['A'] Match word at loc 11(2,7) 100 ^ Matched word -> ['100'] New / improved examples ----------------------- - ``number_words.py`` includes a parser/evaluator to parse ``"forty-two"`` and return ``42``. Also includes example code to generate a railroad diagram for this parser. - ``BigQueryViewParser.py`` added to examples directory, submitted by Michael Smedberg. - ``booleansearchparser.py`` added to examples directory, submitted by xecgr. Builds on searchparser.py, adding support for '*' wildcards and non-Western alphabets. - Improvements in ``select_parser.py``, to include new SQL syntax from SQLite, submitted by Robert Coup. - Off-by-one bug found in the ``roman_numerals.py`` example, a bug that has been there for about 14 years! Submitted by Jay Pedersen. - A simplified Lua parser has been added to the examples (``lua_parser.py``). - Demonstration of defining a custom Unicode set for cuneiform symbols, as well as simple Cuneiform->Python conversion is included in ``cuneiform_python.py``. - Fixed bug in ``delta_time.py`` example, when using a quantity of seconds/minutes/hours/days > 999. Other new features ------------------ - ``url`` expression added to ``pyparsing_common``, with named fields for common fields in URLs. See the updated ``urlExtractorNew.py`` file in the ``examples`` directory. Submitted by Wolfgang Fahl. - ``DelimitedList`` now supports an additional flag ``allow_trailing_delim``, to optionally parse an additional delimiter at the end of the list. Submitted by Kazantcev Andrey. - Added global method ``autoname_elements()`` to call ``set_name()`` on all locally defined ``ParserElements`` that haven't been explicitly named using ``set_name()``, using their local variable name. Useful for setting names on multiple elements when creating a railroad diagram:: a = pp.Literal("a") b = pp.Literal("b").set_name("bbb") pp.autoname_elements() ``a`` will get named "a", while ``b`` will keep its name "bbb". - Enhanced default strings created for ``Word`` expressions, now showing string ranges if possible. ``Word(alphas)`` would formerly print as ``W:(ABCD...)``, now prints as ``W:(A-Za-z)``. - Better exception messages to show full word where an exception occurred.:: Word(alphas)[...].parse_string("abc 123", parse_all=True) Was:: pyparsing.ParseException: Expected end of text, found '1' (at char 4), (line:1, col:5) Now:: pyparsing.exceptions.ParseException: Expected end of text, found '123' (at char 4), (line:1, col:5) - Using ``...`` for ``SkipTo`` can now be wrapped in ``Suppress`` to suppress the skipped text from the returned parse results.:: source = "lead in START relevant text END trailing text" start_marker = Keyword("START") end_marker = Keyword("END") find_body = Suppress(...) + start_marker + ... + end_marker print(find_body.parse_string(source).dump()) Prints:: ['START', 'relevant text ', 'END'] - _skipped: ['relevant text '] - Added ``ignore_whitespace(recurse:bool = True)`` and added a ``recurse`` argument to ``leave_whitespace``, both added to provide finer control over pyparsing's whitespace skipping. Contributed by Michael Milton. - Added ``ParserElement.recurse()`` method to make it simpler for grammar utilities to navigate through the tree of expressions in a pyparsing grammar. - The ``repr()`` string for ``ParseResults`` is now of the form:: ParseResults([tokens], {named_results}) The previous form omitted the leading ``ParseResults`` class name, and was easily misinterpreted as a ``tuple`` containing a ``list`` and a ``dict``. - Minor reformatting of output from ``run_tests`` to make embedded comments more visible. - New ``pyparsing_test`` namespace, assert methods and classes added to support writing unit tests. - ``assertParseResultsEquals`` - ``assertParseAndCheckList`` - ``assertParseAndCheckDict`` - ``assertRunTestResults`` - ``assertRaisesParseException`` - ``reset_pyparsing_context`` context manager, to restore pyparsing config settings - Enhanced error messages and error locations when parsing fails on the ``Keyword`` or ``CaselessKeyword`` classes due to the presence of a preceding or trailing keyword character. - Enhanced the ``Regex`` class to be compatible with re's compiled with the re-equivalent ``regex`` module. Individual expressions can be built with regex compiled expressions using:: import pyparsing as pp import regex # would use regex for this expression integer_parser = pp.Regex(regex.compile(r'\d+')) - Fixed handling of ``ParseSyntaxExceptions`` raised as part of ``Each`` expressions, when sub-expressions contain ``'-'`` backtrack suppression. - Potential performance enhancement when parsing ``Word`` expressions built from ``pyparsing_unicode`` character sets. ``Word`` now internally converts ranges of consecutive characters to regex character ranges (converting ``"0123456789"`` to ``"0-9"`` for instance). - Added a caseless parameter to the ``CloseMatch`` class to allow for casing to be ignored when checking for close matches. Contributed by Adrian Edwards. API Changes =========== - [Note added in pyparsing 3.0.7, reflecting a change in 3.0.0] Fixed a bug in the ``ParseResults`` class implementation of ``__bool__``, which would formerly return ``False`` if the ``ParseResults`` item list was empty, even if it contained named results. Now ``ParseResults`` will return ``True`` if either the item list is not empty *or* if the named results list is not empty:: # generate an empty ParseResults by parsing a blank string with a ZeroOrMore result = Word(alphas)[...].parse_string("") print(result.as_list()) print(result.as_dict()) print(bool(result)) # add a results name to the result result["name"] = "empty result" print(result.as_list()) print(result.as_dict()) print(bool(result)) Prints:: [] {} False [] {'name': 'empty result'} True In previous versions, the second call to ``bool()`` would return ``False``. - [Note added in pyparsing 3.0.4, reflecting a change in 3.0.0] The ``ParseResults`` class now uses ``__slots__`` to pre-define instance attributes. This means that code written like this (which was allowed in pyparsing 2.4.7):: result = Word(alphas).parseString("abc") result.xyz = 100 now raises this Python exception:: AttributeError: 'ParseResults' object has no attribute 'xyz' To add new attribute values to ParseResults object in 3.0.0 and later, you must assign them using indexed notation:: result["xyz"] = 100 You will still be able to access this new value as an attribute or as an indexed item. - ``enable_diag()`` and ``disable_diag()`` methods to enable specific diagnostic values (instead of setting them to ``True`` or ``False``). ``enable_all_warnings()`` has also been added. - ``counted_array`` formerly returned its list of items nested within another list, so that accessing the items required indexing the 0'th element to get the actual list. This extra nesting has been removed. In addition, if there are other metadata fields parsed between the count and the list items, they can be preserved in the resulting list if given results names. - ``ParseException.explain()`` is now an instance method of ``ParseException``:: expr = pp.Word(pp.nums) * 3 try: expr.parse_string("123 456 A789") except pp.ParseException as pe: print(pe.explain(depth=0)) prints:: 123 456 A789 ^ ParseException: Expected W:(0-9), found 'A789' (at char 8), (line:1, col:9) To run explain against other exceptions, use ``ParseException.explain_exception()``. - Debug actions now take an added keyword argument ``cache_hit``. Now that debug actions are called for expressions matched in the packrat parsing cache, debug actions are now called with this extra flag, set to ``True``. For custom debug actions, it is necessary to add support for this new argument. - ``ZeroOrMore`` expressions that have results names will now include empty lists for their name if no matches are found. Previously, no named result would be present. Code that tested for the presence of any expressions using ``"if name in results:"`` will now always return ``True``. This code will need to change to ``"if name in results and results[name]:"`` or just ``"if results[name]:"``. Also, any parser unit tests that check the ``as_dict()`` contents will now see additional entries for parsers having named ``ZeroOrMore`` expressions, whose values will be ``[]``. - ``ParserElement.set_default_whitespace_chars`` will now update whitespace characters on all built-in expressions defined in the pyparsing module. - ``camelCase`` names have been converted to PEP-8 ``snake_case`` names. Method names and arguments that were camel case (such as ``parseString``) have been replaced with PEP-8 snake case versions (``parse_string``). Backward-compatibility synonyms for all names and arguments have been included, to allow parsers written using the old names to run without change. The synonyms will be removed in a future release. New parser code should be written using the new PEP-8 snake case names. ============================== ================================ Name Previous name ------------------------------ -------------------------------- ParserElement - parse_string parseString - scan_string scanString - search_string searchString - transform_string transformString - add_condition addCondition - add_parse_action addParseAction - can_parse_next canParseNext - default_name defaultName - enable_left_recursion enableLeftRecursion - enable_packrat enablePackrat - ignore_whitespace ignoreWhitespace - inline_literals_using inlineLiteralsUsing - parse_file parseFile - leave_whitespace leaveWhitespace - parse_string parseString - parse_with_tabs parseWithTabs - reset_cache resetCache - run_tests runTests - scan_string scanString - search_string searchString - set_break setBreak - set_debug setDebug - set_debug_actions setDebugActions - set_default_whitespace_chars setDefaultWhitespaceChars - set_fail_action setFailAction - set_name setName - set_parse_action setParseAction - set_results_name setResultsName - set_whitespace_chars setWhitespaceChars - transform_string transformString - try_parse tryParse ParseResults - as_list asList - as_dict asDict - get_name getName ParseBaseException - parser_element parserElement any_open_tag anyOpenTag any_close_tag anyCloseTag c_style_comment cStyleComment common_html_entity commonHTMLEntity condition_as_parse_action conditionAsParseAction counted_array countedArray cpp_style_comment cppStyleComment dbl_quoted_string dblQuotedString dbl_slash_comment dblSlashComment DelimitedList delimitedList DelimitedList delimited_list dict_of dictOf html_comment htmlComment infix_notation infixNotation java_style_comment javaStyleComment line_end lineEnd line_start lineStart make_html_tags makeHTMLTags make_xml_tags makeXMLTags match_only_at_col matchOnlyAtCol match_previous_expr matchPreviousExpr match_previous_literal matchPreviousLiteral nested_expr nestedExpr null_debug_action nullDebugAction one_of oneOf OpAssoc opAssoc original_text_for originalTextFor python_style_comment pythonStyleComment quoted_string quotedString remove_quotes removeQuotes replace_html_entity replaceHTMLEntity replace_with replaceWith rest_of_line restOfLine sgl_quoted_string sglQuotedString string_end stringEnd string_start stringStart token_map tokenMap trace_parse_action traceParseAction unicode_string unicodeString with_attribute withAttribute with_class withClass ============================== ================================ Discontinued Features ===================== Python 2.x no longer supported ------------------------------ Removed Py2.x support and other deprecated features. Pyparsing now requires Python 3.6.8 or later. If you are using an earlier version of Python, you must use a Pyparsing 2.4.x version. Other discontinued features --------------------------- - ``ParseResults.asXML()`` - if used for debugging, switch to using ``ParseResults.dump()``; if used for data transfer, use ``ParseResults.as_dict()`` to convert to a nested Python dict, which can then be converted to XML or JSON or other transfer format - ``operatorPrecedence`` synonym for ``infixNotation`` - convert to calling ``infix_notation`` - ``commaSeparatedList`` - convert to using ``pyparsing_common.comma_separated_list`` - ``upcaseTokens`` and ``downcaseTokens`` - convert to using ``pyparsing_common.upcase_tokens`` and ``downcase_tokens`` - ``__compat__.collect_all_And_tokens`` will not be settable to ``False`` to revert to pre-2.3.1 results name behavior - review use of names for ``MatchFirst`` and Or expressions containing ``And`` expressions, as they will return the complete list of parsed tokens, not just the first one. Use ``pyparsing.enable_diag(pyparsing.Diagnostics.warn_multiple_tokens_in_named_alternation)`` to help identify those expressions in your parsers that will have changed as a result. - Removed support for running ``python setup.py test``. The setuptools maintainers consider the ``test`` command deprecated (see ). To run the Pyparsing tests, use the command ``tox``. Fixed Bugs ========== - [Reverted in 3.0.2]Fixed issue when ``LineStart()`` expressions would match input text that was not necessarily at the beginning of a line. [The previous behavior was the correct behavior, since it represents the ``LineStart`` as its own matching expression. ``ParserElements`` that must start in column 1 can be wrapped in the new ``AtLineStart`` class.] - Fixed bug in regex definitions for ``real`` and ``sci_real`` expressions in ``pyparsing_common``. - Fixed ``FutureWarning`` raised beginning in Python 3.7 for ``Regex`` expressions containing '[' within a regex set. - Fixed bug in ``PrecededBy`` which caused infinite recursion. - Fixed bug in ``CloseMatch`` where end location was incorrectly computed; and updated ``partial_gene_match.py`` example. - Fixed bug in ``indentedBlock`` with a parser using two different types of nested indented blocks with different indent values, but sharing the same indent stack. - Fixed bug in ``Each`` when using ``Regex``, when ``Regex`` expression would get parsed twice. - Fixed bugs in ``Each`` when passed ``OneOrMore`` or ``ZeroOrMore`` expressions: . first expression match could be enclosed in an extra nesting level . out-of-order expressions now handled correctly if mixed with required expressions . results names are maintained correctly for these expression - Fixed ``FutureWarning`` that sometimes is raised when ``'['`` passed as a character to ``Word``. - Fixed debug logging to show failure location after whitespace skipping. - Fixed ``ParseFatalExceptions`` failing to override normal exceptions or expression matches in ``MatchFirst`` expressions. - Fixed bug in which ``ParseResults`` replaces a collection type value with an invalid type annotation (as a result of changed behavior in Python 3.9). - Fixed bug in ``ParseResults`` when calling ``__getattr__`` for special double-underscored methods. Now raises ``AttributeError`` for non-existent results when accessing a name starting with '__'. - Fixed bug in ``Located`` class when used with a results name. - Fixed bug in ``QuotedString`` class when the escaped quote string is not a repeated character. Acknowledgments =============== And finally, many thanks to those who helped in the restructuring of the pyparsing code base as part of this release. Pyparsing now has more standard package structure, more standard unit tests, and more standard code formatting (using black). Special thanks to jdufresne, klahnakoski, mattcarmody, ckeygusuz, tmiguelt, and toonarmycaptain to name just a few. Thanks also to Michael Milton and Max Fischer, who added some significant new features to pyparsing.